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Dude, that was the first game where I enjoyed gambling! The idea is brilliant, especially when you go to 20+ tier, where hints stop and it's just so random you start to calculate possibilities in your head. Loved it! Still hope that pesky bra will blow up though...

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why is this so complicated


I wish I could play it on mobile

I wish -that- and I also wish the developers replied

Here's my let's play of it, i enjoyed it as soon as i got hang of it :)


Curious but does this game have an ending?

This game is really brilliant!!!

I’m really like it and enjoy at well.


This was a very fun little game! I was pleasantly surprised by how addicting it was. I certainly hope to see larger sizes for the Kobolds, and potentially the dragon in the future. Overall, phenomenal work. 


New Impossiblesnail game ' v'


Absolutely love it.
I'd totally want to see a fleshed out version of this, especially with higher kobold weights or even different proportions when it comes to chonkyness.
((Maybe each Kobold will have a randomized bonus and disadvantage))


this is incredible, the passion and talent OOZES from this game! hoping and praying some more male characters get added in an update. i adored your male chars in sfrpg



A fun experience worth playing. 

The game's biggest weakness is the fact that the lower tiers, especially after tier 10, are way more profitable but not much harder than early tiers; to the point of maxing the selling kobold's weight with a successful free sale and allowing many failed sales afterwards. It's also nyon impossible to tell how many direct subordinates a boss kobold has if you use more than one active sales kobold per tier. The dragon looks perfect, but the kobolds could use one more weight stage, max 2.

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For a quick little game, this is a ton of fun


Absolutely amazing; the only request I have is more weight stages for the kobolds and some kind of mechanic between "employees" and their suppliers.


Ohhh how about something like if a kobold gets way to big it can overthrone the main dragooness


Agree a lot with those two man bigger kobolds and something like an ending sound great

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I agree that those two things would improve the game.

 I believe that more of the lower tiers' profits should automatically trickle up the chain of suppliers instead of just a payment to the direct boss.


Or have the suppliers be able to pay the lower-downs, so we don't have to keep re-rolling for a specific color and build.

Or is that just me?

Is there a merit in going for a color and build? I'm faring pretty well with "just avoid +50% negs". With those out of the way, theres not really a need for seeing the emotions, so i just go for the highest payout

The merit is that I like blue.


Well played! You got me there hah

Man, I've always wanted to make my own pyramid scheme.